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Mobile Hub for Care Coordination Process.


PoC:  A mobile technology platform


It is designed for health systems to become value-based care providers by enabling them to improve care coordination and clinical outcomes across care settings, lower episode costs and include post-acute providers in risk sharing arrangements.

Benefits of PoCs integrated platform

Visibility for ACOs

Real time visibility of performance, status and cost of care delivered across the Post-Acute Care (PAC) 

PoC's mVirtualHuddle

PoC platform provides an integrated secure messaging and data sharing platform for coordinating care across different settings.

Secure document sharing for exchanging patient records and reduce redundancy.

Real time notifications of patient's transitions and communication among care providers across diffrent care settings.

Supports Post-Acute care provider's bidding process for each episode's care plan allowing patients to select the best one for for their needs. 


This allows tracking of care team's  performance by comparing their commited and actual results.

Coordinated Care

Single patient data repository accessible across the Post-acute provider continuum along with real time mobile notifications and messaging ensures highly coordinated care..

Outcome Driven Process

The built-in ‘process’ for Care Coordination work-flow drives improved patient transitions and clinical outcomes at a lower cost.

Benefits for Physicians

  • Efficient/effective secure messaging

  • Easy access to admission and other documents

  • Notification of Care Team physicians for hand-offs

    • SNF physician and PCP

    • SNF physician, Hospitalist, and Medical @Home

    • SNF Nurse, Home Care Nurse, and PCP Office 

  • Documented PCP follow-up scheduled

  • Notification of transitions and plans

  • Support TCM billing

Benefits for SNFs & Home Health


Improve Workflow

Efficient/effective secure messaging

Upload document once for entire Care Team

Improved HR resource utilization 

Notification of Care Team for hand-offs


Patient Experience

Simple, shared episode plan/process of care

Satisfaction with Care Team coordination


Hospital Relationship

Integrate C-CDA and support Meaningful Use

PCP Relationship

Notification of transitions and plans

Access to admission and discharge paperwork

Documented PCP follow-up scheduled

Support TCM billing


Tracking and Reports

Identify and track patients for ACOs/CINs and for bundles

View into Care Team partner outcomes.

Benefits for Hospitals/Health Systems.

Tracking and Reporting Cost and Quality

Identify and track patients for ACOs/CINs and for bundles

View into Care Team partner outcomes

Implementation of C-CDA for meaningful use (MU)


Patient Satisfaction

Simple, shared episode plan/process of care

Satisfaction with Care Team coordination


PCP Relationship

Notification of transitions and plans

Notification of Care Team physicians for hand-offs

Access to admission and discharge paperwork

Documented PCP follow-up scheduled

Support TCM billing


HIPAA Compliance

Secure text messaging and document sharing

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